Thursday, December 15, 2011


This painting was chosen for the "Artist Registry" annual show at the Gallery at Avalon Island in downtown Orlando. Opening reception this evening was great - lots of watercolors in the show, and a good crowd.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Wild Planet" show in Sanford

"Hurry Home" was done from a photo I took of Holmes as he rested his head on the bed like he did when watching for us to return when we were in Tamarac and left hime for a time.
"Ugly Ducklings Transforming" emerged from a "pour and cover with plastic" technique.

"Enchanted Forest" was done a while back and is a fantasy sort of image.
All three were accepted for the Sanford "Wild Planet" show at the Historic Sanford Welcome Center.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Art of Healing Show - Florida Hospital

Florida Hospital in Altamonte Springs has a gallery called "The Art of Healing." This painting was selected for the current show which opened this week and runs through January 2012. This show's theme is "Falling in Love."

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

St. Andrews Chapel Painting

Just finished this painting of St. Andrews Chapel in Sanford, Florida. I enjoy quilitng with the ladies there and attend special events as a long time follower of pastor, RC Sproul. The photo I worked from is from more than a year ago, so pond was full and trees smaller than now. The setting is the very best of "man made" and "God made" scenery working in harmony.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bok Towers paintings

Two new paintings begun on site on the Central Florida Watercolor's trip to Bok Towers in March, and finished in home studio.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Exceeding Solomon's Glory

This was a fun painting to do. I wanted to again start with no plan in mind - just put some colors down and let them direct my thoughts. Love the "opera" shade with some oranges and the dark blues together. It reminded me that when I look at any vegitation it exceeds the glory of a high fashion designer. Love that organic flow.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Here is a pretty low teck video of my show at the Steinway Piano Gallery in Altamonte Springs this month. Had a wonderful reception last Thursday.