Saturday, September 25, 2010

This painting is currently on display at the Gallery at Avalon Island in downtown Orlando. It is one of my favorites because it flows so freely and was execuited with my favorite method. I just put some colors down and let them flow and then played with edges till something developed. I call it
"Floral Dance." I really need to find catchier titles for my paintings. Let me know if you think of anything else for this one.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

This is a large 2' by 3' acrylic painting. Yes, don't tell my watercolor friends, but I've been dabbling in acrylics and canvas lately. It's called "Consider the Lilies," and is my reminder of God's constant care for us. When I get to fussing and worrying I hope to look upon the painting and be reminded of God's larger picture that I can't take in all at once as He does.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


As long as I'm doing pets, I better include our own

Sherlock Holmes. This one was done in watercolor a while back.


Sunday, March 14, 2010

I had a photo from long ago that I used for this painting of the Split Rock Light House near Duluth in Northern Minnesota.
I worked from a photo of Italy in Epcot, just around the corner from another favorite scene that I painted previously.

Mel Stabin workshop

Here are a few new paintings begun at a four day workshop with Mel Stabin.
Some of the important points I learned/relearned:
Essence of Water color:
• Think lyrical – not literal
• Think transparent fusion of shapes – not opaque (for most of painting)
• Let it be, simplify, let brush and water do their work.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wilting Away

I did this painting after being inspired by a student in a painting class I was teaching recently. She was using an interesting combination of greens and violets and it seemed like a strange combination, but looked really interesting in an organic setting. I love making shapes appear to pop out or recede by using hard and soft edges to shade and glaze with watery layers of pigment.

Among the Leaves

This is the painting that was selected for the RSVP show at the Maitland Art Center this month. It's one of those that started with abstract washes and the forms suggested flowers and bugs so that's what it became.